Links are provided where possible, but the the internet—I’m told—is ephemeral. Some links go to the piece itself, others to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, others to Amazon, and others still download PDFs.
Eden Eden Eden by Pierre Guyotat. Salitter Workings, 2024.
Lenore, by Tim Short. Self-published. 2024.
The Banner of the Anti-Christ, Enzo Martucci, translated by Kevin Slaughter. Underworld Amusements, forthcoming.
Scala Sancta by Gwen Hilton. KiesMart Consignment Classics #1. 14 June, 2024.
The Red Sect by Enzo Martucci, translated by Kevin Slaughter. Underworld Amusements, SA1257, 2023.
Harvey the Haughty Hussar. Perisphere. 16 March 2024.
I Lived It: The Joy of Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. Perisphere. 7 January, 2024.
Keeping the Circulating Happening: An Interview with Grant Maierhofer. Rain Taxi #111. Fall 2023.
Still Stabbin’ After All These Years. Perisphere. 10 August, 2023.
Killing Pigs For Art? On Animal-Cruelty Free Cuts. Filmmaker Magazine. 8 August, 2023.
Drunken Master 2: Jackie Chan’s Farewell to Hong Kong. Perisphere. 8 September, 2022.
Godzilla Rides Again (Again!) Perisphere. 21 May, 2022.
Extreme Consistency: The Complete Lungfish by Grant Maierhofer. Filth. 2022.
Freedom’s Promise: The Negro Leagues (ghostwritten for Dr. Duchess Harris). Abdo Publishing. 2020.
“Elephant in the Room” & “Shadowbahn”. Don’t Submit. 9 June, 2023.
Autopoem 9. ExPat. 12 December, 2022.
Autopoem 8. Deadly Orgone Radiation #1. 2022.Autopoem 7. The Pixelated Shroud. 13 Novemeber, 2022.
Autopoem 6. ExPat. 21 July, 2022.
“CAT III” & “Direct to Video.” ExPat. 14 April, 2021.Haunted Houses. 2020.
This Poem Is Brought to You By Taco Bell. Water Soup: There’s Water in My Soup. 2017.
Untitled. Highlights for Kids. May 2001.
Inside the Castle 2: Revenge of the Castle Freak (contributor). Inside the Castle. ITC-058. Forthcoming.
Bob in Three Aspects. Apocalypse Confidential presents Strange Skies, Weird Worlds. 8 April 2024.
Need to Know. Apocalypse Confidential. 30 March 2024.
Baby Hill. ExPat. 28 November, 2023.
The Croatoan Quotient. Idiomenon. 9 September, 2023.
The Bonnerman Malapropism. The Pixelated Shroud. 28 November, 2022.
Guinea Pig 2: Flowers of Flesh and Blood. Psycho Holosuite. 30 September, 2022.
Spider God. Misery Tourism. 12 September, 2022.
VOD. Terror House. 25 January, 2022.